Cystoscopy | Urologist Box Hill


What is a Cystoscopy?
A Cystoscopy is the examination of the bladder using a cystoscope, a special telescope that enables the surgeon to look in the bladder and at the openings to the ureters (tubes going to the kidneys)


Flexible Cystoscopy

  • Uses a soft flexible cystoscope
  • not able to do biopsies
  • local anaesthetic, or light sedation
  • not necessary to cease anticoagulants

Rigid Cytoscopy

  • uses a rigid cystoscope
  • able to perform biopsies
  • may need to cease anticoagulants
  • general anaesthetic

What type of Anaesthetic?

Patients usually have a general anaesthetic for a Rigid Cystoscopy. Being asleep means you will feel no pain or discomfort during the procedure.

It is important to inform your doctor if you:

  • Take blood thinners (Warfarin/Aspirin)
  • Have Blood clotting problems
  • Are Pregnant, or could be pregnant

What does the Surgeon do?

After you have been given the anaesthetic/sedation, the surgeon will insert the cystoscope through the urethra and into the bladder where the bladder wall and openings to the ureters (tubes going to the kidneys) can be examined. Specimens of urine, bladder and ureters maybe taken at this time for pathology. There is no surgical incision on the skin.

Are there any Complications?

As with any surgical procedure complications may occur. The major potential problems are infection, burning passing urine and blood in the urine.

What to expect after the Operation

You will remain in recovery room until your condition is stable

Severe pain is not expected after this procedure but if you do experience any discomfort inform the nurse

You may experience some discomfort, (burning, stinging, frequency and blood) when passing urine for 1-2 days

Recovery At Home


Use pain medication if required
Use Ural Sachet Regularly


driving can be resumed within 24 hours of an anaesthetic, but be wary of abrupt movement whilst driving
Normal daily activities may be resumed on discharge.
Sexual activity, lifting and sport may resume when you are comfortable


Eat a normal diet
Drink plenty of fluids if blood in urine

You should contact your doctor if you:-

Pass bright red blood which does not clear
Have fever, shivers, shakes
Urine becomes cloudy, foul smelling
Unable to pass urine

If you do pass blood in your urine:

Increase your fluid intake to flush out the blood (2 litres/day)

Contact your surgeon if:

Blood in urine not settling after 24 hours
Passing clots when urinating
Unable to pass urine