Urodynamics Test | Urology Boxhill

Urodynamic Test


What is Urodynamic Test

Urodynamic testing is any procedure that looks at how well the bladder, sphincters, and urethra are storing and releasing urine. Most urodynamic tests focus on the bladder’s ability to hold urine and empty steadily and completely. Urodynamic tests can also show whether the bladder is having involuntary contractions that cause urine leakage. A health care provider may recommend urodynamic tests if symptoms suggest problems with the lower urinary tract. Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) include

  • urine leakage
  • frequent urination
  • painful urination
  • sudden, strong urges to urinate
  • problems starting a urine stream
  • problems emptying the bladder completely
  • recurrent urinary tract infections

The urodynamic test results help diagnose the cause and nature of a lower urinary tract problem.

Why am I having this test?

To differentiate between bladder outlet obstruction secondary to benign prostatic enlargement and bladder paralysis or overacitivy.

How do I prepare for this test?

You need an urine test to exclude infection.
You don’t need to fast for the procedure
You will be able to drive home yourself after the test
The test will take 25-30 minutes

You should inform your doctor if:

If you have urine, bladder or prostate infections as the urodynamic test will need to be postponed until infection is cleared.

What happens during the test?

You will be asked first to have a uroflowmetry performed. This is where you urinate into an apparatus which automatically measures the speed of your urine flow. This is followed by the Urologist performing a flexible cystoscopy excluding structural anomaly of the urethral. The formal urodynamics test begins then with the insertion of pressure probes into the bladder and the rectum followed by a slow filling of your bladder with Normal Saline. As the test progresses, you are expected to communicate your bladder sensation to your urologist. The test then completes with you voiding again into the uroflow apparatus with the pressure probe inside your bladder.

Are there any Complications?

As with any medical procedure complications may occur.

Complications with this procedure are uncommon, but the two most common are:

Urinary Retention
There is very small chance of post-operative retention needing insertion of small urinary catheter for 24-48 hours.

Very small chance of Urinary Tract Infection

What to expect when you get home:
For 1-2 days you may experience:
Some discomfort passing urine

What to do when you get home:

For 1 day you should:
Drink 1.5-2 litres of fluid to flush out blood
Take antibiotics until course finished
Take Ural from the pharmacy for urethral irritation
When do I get the results?
Your Urologist will discuss the result with you at the end of the urodynamic test.