What is a Vasectomy?
A vasectomy is a minor surgical procedure where the vas deferens is cut and a small piece removed as a means of a permanent, safe and very effective contraception. Vas deferens transport the sperm produced by testis during ejaculation.
What type of Anaesthetic?
General Anaesthesia is the preferred method for this procedure. Your surgeon will place local anaesthetic in the wound at the end of the procedure to minimize discomfort.
On the day of the operation
You need to fast for 6 hours before the operation
You should have ceased blood thinners such as aspirin/Plavix/warfarin for at least 7 days.
What does the Surgeon do?
After you are asleep a skin opening is made using sharpe forceps (Non-scalpel technique) on both sides of the scrotum and the vas deferens is drawn out. The vas deferens is then cut and a piece removed and the ends are tied.
Are there any Complications?
As with any surgical procedure complications may occur. The major potential problems are post-operative pain, infection and bleeding.
What to expect after the Operation
You will have a small wound dressing
Report any pain to the nursing staff
Use pain relief as required according to manufactures instructions
Wound Management
Before discharge from hospital nursing staff will discuss wound management
After surgery you may recommence your daily shower after 24 hours, taking care not to rub soap into the wound. Let water run over wound and pat dry thoroughly
Avoid aspirin, plavix, warfarin if you can for a few days as directed by your doctor.
Regular analgesia is preferred over opiates which may cause constipation.
driving can be resumed within 24 hours of an anaesthetic, but be wary of abrupt movement whilst driving
Avoid heavy lifting and sexual activity for a few days
You should contact your doctor if you:
Pass bright red blood
Have fever, shivers, shakes
Wound becomes red, swollen or bruised
Pain not relieved through regular pain control
Commonly asked Questions
Will a vasectomy affect my sex drive?
There is no evidence to suggest that a man’s “sex drive” is affected by a vasectomy
Will I still be able to ejaculate?
After a vasectomy sperm are still produced and leave the testes, but go no further than the where the vas deferens was severed. The sperm are reabsorbed back into the body .Men can still have an orgasm and the semen volume does not noticeably reduce
How quickly does the vasectomy work?
For a few months after the vasectomy sperm are still clearing out of the ducts so it is vital to continue to use other forms of contraception.
You will be required to have a semen analysis after you have had 20 ejaculations. Your surgeon will give you the pathology forms prior to discharge. Contact your local pathology collection centre prior to testing to confirm appointment times. You will be notified of these results.
If the post-vasectomy semen analysis comes back showing inactive sperm you will be required to repeat this testing after another 20 ejaculations. It is strongly advised to continue using other forms of contraception at this stage.
A vasectomy should be considered a non-reversible procedure, thus if you have any doubts about this you should discuss these with your surgeon and partner.